
Gosford and Water Eaton Parish Council usually meet on the first Tuesday of each month 

 at 7pm - please check agendas for details.

IMPORTANT NOTES: There is usually no August meeting held so there will be no minutes. If there is an APM there is usually no additional Council meeting that month. Minutes are not usually published until they have been approved at the following Council meeting.

Minutes can be downloaded and read from here. Please note minutes are in draft format until they are approved and minuted at the next months council meeting. Please contact us if you would like copies of minutes printed and posted to you - there is a £5 administration charge per set of minutes for this service. A full minute book containing printed minutes for the last financial year has been placed in the Kidlington Library. 

Past printed minutes are held at the Kidlington Library. The latest minute book will be placed in Kidlington Library shortly and will include a copy of the audit.

Meeting agendas will be posted on the website no less than 4 days before a meeting. 


Minutes, Agendas and Clerks Reports

9 Jan 24

17:30 to 18:30

January 9th 2024 at West Kidlington Primary School



6 Feb 24

19:00 to 20:00

February 6th 2024 at West Kidlington Primary School



5 Mar 24

19:00 to 20:00

March 5th 2024 at West Kidlington Primary School



2 Apr 24

19:00 to 20:00

There is NO April 2024 meeting

7 May 24

18:00 to 18:30

May Parish Council Meeting - Edward Feild Primary School



7 May 24

19:00 to 20:00

Annual Parish Meeting - Edward Feild Primary School



Additional Documents

4 Jun 24

19:00 to 20:00

June meeting - West Kidlington Primary School



Additional Documents

2 Jul 24

19:00 to 20:00

July meeting - West Kidlington Primary School


1 Aug 24


Meeting Calendar

Full Council monthly regular meetings 

Members of the public can attend. 

ALL meetings are at 7pm West Kidlington School unless otherwise stated

2nd July 2024

No August meeting

10th September 2024

1st October 2024

5th November 2024

3rd December 2024

7th January 2025